lunes, 7 de enero de 2013

Learning Objectives

     1. Relate my experiences in the classroom at George Mason in terms of theory and compare those         experiences to how a financial firm operates in practice.
-Explore how financial consultants use and interject principles of economics and finance into their strategies, both at the managerial level and in terms of implementing strategies for their clients.
-In addition, I can inquire among the consultants in my firm as to what degrees they had earned among their post-secondary institutions and how those degrees have shaped their professional careers.  Moreover, I can ask if they would mimic their academic careers or amend them if they had the opportunity to go back in time and start over. 
-By asking them to delve into their past experiences, I will be able to fundamentally understand which courses and/or degrees were most helpful and significant in helping them attain their current position in the firm.

     2. Understand how deals get finalized in practice.
-Although the classroom and readings provide an initial look into the business world and how firms operate, working in a financial firm for a somewhat extended period of time will allow me to gain infinite knowledge into the thinking and decision making of consultants.
-By observing how consultants negotiate and barter with other firms and clients, I will gain a significant advantage over other graduates in that I will have already experienced the harsh reality of working in the financial world.

     3. Learn how to facilitate, develop, and sustain relationships with clients.
-Understand how to form partnerships with other financial firms and other industries in order to foster horizontal and vertical integration.
-Observe how financial consultants sell their product because the success of each individual consultant relies on their ability to sell the product in addition to an intimate knowledge of international capital markets.

     4. Gain a better understanding of how financial markets are integrated in the global economy.
-Develop my knowledge of how financial systems and markets are integrated globally by being able to identify how a shift in a certain domestic variable will affect another economy.  By being able to do so, I will be better able to advise and consult future clients on how to deal with a constantly changing international financial system.
-For example, a significant increase in the price of a key input into the production of a given product will undoubtedly raise production costs in the short-term, which would lead me to revise my projections.  The faster I am able to identify the issue, the better I am able to advise my client which allows me to develop trust and maintain that relationship for the long-term, given it is in my best interests.

1 comentario:

  1. These are excellent learning objective and strategies. I predict success in achieving them, and I look forward to working with you.
